We want you to know what data we collect about you and what we use it for. We work every day to ensure your smooth and convenient shopping in the autopp.lt electronic store, offer relevant products, listen to your wishes and comments, provide relevant information about the best offers and ensure convenient navigation on the website. For this reason, we take the security of your personal data very seriously and ensure all conditions for transparent handling of data and clear and open information about their collection.

As we value your privacy and the personal data provided to us, below we share detailed information about what your personal data is used for and for what purposes. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us by email: [email protected]


What data do we collect?

After you purchase a product from the autopp.lt online store, we conclude a sales contract, and the minimum information required for its implementation is your first name, last name, phone number, e-mail address. mailing address and address. Your contacts are necessary to inform us about the progress of the order and for other questions related to the order. This personal information is only necessary for the conclusion and implementation of a specific contract.

In order to make browsing on the autopp.lt website convenient and efficient, and to find relevant products as quickly as possible, we store:

History of your purchases and actions on the website;

the IP address of the device used (e.g. to inform residents of Klaipėda about free delivery in Klaipėda;

payment history to facilitate your shopping by choosing your favorite payment method;

the history of correspondence and conversations with you in order to answer questions related to your order and to determine your identity when we cannot verify your identity document.

For your convenience, you can additionally provide us with the following information: gender, date of birth, enter the contact information of third parties collecting the goods. These data are not mandatory and are intended only for more convenient use of the electronic store services provided by autopp.lt.


What data do we not collect, store or associate with an individual?

In the course of our direct activities and communication with you, we certainly:

we do not collect or store the history of your browsing on third-party websites;

we do not transfer any data related to your browsing on our website from which your identity can be determined.


What do we use the personal data we collect?

We use your personal data exclusively to improve the services we provide and to match them as closely as possible to your needs and habits. Therefore, we collect personal data to:

facilitate your shopping when you create a personal account in our online store;

we would offer you relevant products;

we could analyze our activities and ensure that using our online store autopp.lt would be even simpler and more convenient. It is important to mention that for most of our daily work processes we use personalized data (when it is impossible to determine whether the data is about you), from which it is impossible to identify a specific person;

inform you about exclusive offers prepared just for you;

we would provide you with information about news, promotions and projects;

we would effectively analyze your inquiries and complaints;


How do we store and process personal data?

By using organizational and technical measures, we ensure that the personal data you provide is protected against any illegal actions: change, disclosure or destruction of personal data, identity theft, fraud.

Our internal system is designed in such a way that only those persons who have a special authorization can access and process your personal data, but even they have limited access to your personal data when personalized data is completely sufficient to perform work functions. Therefore, the level of protection of your personal data meets the highest security standards.

In order for your personal data to be fully protected, we recommend that you pay attention and ensure that when connecting to our online store, your personal data cannot be seen by outsiders and that it is properly stored. We advise you to regularly change your login password, store payment cards and other data, the use of which may compromise the security and privacy of your personal data.

Our website is protected by a security protocol that relies on a data encryption system certificate (SSL). The web address of such a store contains the letter 's': 'https://'.


How to contribute to the processing of your data?

We collect and use personal data transparently and honestly, so your contribution to data processing is important to us.

You can participate in the processing of your personal data in the following ways:

independently correct, correct, change your personal data in your personal account;

contact us with a request to correct your personal data in the event that, after reviewing the personal data, you determine that the data is incorrect, incomplete or inaccurate;

to contact us with a request to destroy personal data, if after familiarizing yourself with your personal data you decide that: (i) your personal data are not necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were collected or otherwise processed; (ii) you want to withdraw your consent to process your personal data; (iii) We process your personal data illegally;

do not consent to your personal data being processed for direct marketing purposes;

apply to the State Personal Data Protection Inspectorate, which supervises the processing of personal data.


We may limit the collection and use of your personal data if you determine that your personal data is:

inaccurate (personal data processing actions in this case will be limited to data accuracy verification);

processed illegally, but you do not agree to have your data deleted;

necessary to assert, exercise or defend legal claims;

processed when you object to such processing of personal data (data processing will be limited until it is checked whether the reasons for which we process your personal data are necessary).


You can get involved in the processing of personal data:

in your personal www.autopp.lt account;

by sending a request via e-mail:  [email protected].


How do I find out about changes to data processing?

We value the security of your personal data, so in the event of any data processing changes, we will immediately inform you about it: we will send a notification to the e-mail address you specified or provide a notification before you purchase goods in the online store. You can always find the latest personal data protection information on our website here.


Why are cookies used?

Cookies are small text files that are sent to your device while browsing the respective website. We ensure that cookies help to recognize only your device, but not you as a specific person.

Both we and other websites use cookies to make visiting the website easier and more efficient, in other words, to meet your needs. Let's say you put an item in your cart and decide to continue looking for other items. If you browse the site for more than half an hour and only then decide to pay for the goods, the shopping cart will already be empty because the system could not remember your recent shopping actions. To make your shopping experience smooth, we use cookies to help the system remember this information, so you don't have to search for the same items a second time.

Cookies help us analyze your browsing history in the autopp.lt online store. We turn this information into an opportunity to conveniently use our services, for example, to receive the most relevant commercial offers for you. In order for convenient use of our services not limited to the website, data may be transferred to our advertising service partners. They are provided with personalized data, which is used only to the extent necessary to provide a quality service.

No cookies can link information to a specific person, they only collect depersonalized data.

If you decide you don't like cookies after all, you can always delete them from your browser. You can also withdraw your consent to the use of cookies at any time by sending us a request by email: [email protected].


Where can I find more information?

The General Data Protection Regulation ensures that your personal data will be processed fairly, legally and transparently, and provides us with guidelines on how to protect your personal data as effectively as possible.

The regulation expands your rights and provides means to participate in the processing of your personal data and to control it.

You can find the Privacy Policy, which defines the processing of your personal data in The Privacy Policy section.


E-mail address: [email protected]